Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The great Jim Traficant goes down in flames re IRS

There are people who understand tax reality and agree with Ron Paul's mandate to "abolish the income tax and replace it with nothing". Then there's the other 98% of the population.

The latter grouping unfortunately includes some otherwise great minds and individuals who are, tragically, unable to grasp the liberating truth that income taxes are totally unnecessary and are, indeed, fit only for the dustbin of history. A certain kind of tragedy keeps occurring in the dialectics of our time: otherwise notable personages. expressing proper, noble goals and ideals, come out squarely on the wrong side of this issue.

Typically it takes the form of a call to replace the income tax with a consumption tax, i.e. a monstrous increase in sales taxes. Somehow it escapes the attention of otherwise brilliant, dedicated activists that to give up cigarettes and replace them with a heroin habit would accomplish absolutely nothing. They are, in fact, talking tax shift -- not tax relief in any form, to any extent!

This ideological blight is often the province of reputed Libertarians. Neal Boortz is a talk show host who is right about many issues, but he's also a leading proponent of this "national sales tax" madness. I once called in to his show and set him straight, and for once he was left scrambling to save face -- not jeering at his opponents.

It was very good to leaf through the Oct. 8 of American Free Press at PN headquarters and find an article busting Mitt Romney by former Ohio sheriff and congressman Jim Traficant, a top truth hero of our age, titled

GOP's Man Romney Sabotaging His Own Faltering Campaign
Are 47% of the American electorate really useless eaters?

This stuff about 47% is complicated. Romney used the figure recklessly, Obama mendaciously, the whole adding up to mere bipartisan campaign fluff:

    A leaked videotape last month revealed Romney telling wealthy donors at a Boca Raton, Fla. fundraiser that 47 percent of the country, President Obama's supporters, don't pay income taxes; consider themselves victims; feel entitled to government handouts, and will never be persuaded to take personal responsibility for their lives.
    As Obama and his allies have noted in ads, speeches, and everywhere they can, the 47 percent is for the most part veterans, active military, seniors, and low-income workers, most of whom are paying an array of sales, property, payroll, local and state taxes.

It would be nice if either Rombama or Obomney cared about any sector of the population below the plutocratic one percent noised up earlier in the campaign period

........but they don't, of course. Traficant does, but get his take on Mitt's comment from the AFP article:

"It's as if Romney, or his staff, were reading my columns, where I mentioned the fact that 47 percent of eligible taxpayers actually pay no income tax. This is part of the permanent, dependent underclass that often does not want a job but has learned to work the system. However, amid that 47 percent are millions of Americans who don't want a handout. They want a job." 

His intentions are great. But his spin is unbelievably off-base: he knows the income tax is un-Constitutional, yet leaves no room for people who know their rights and exercise the lawful option of keeping their entire paycheck under the present system, paying no tribute to Caesar each April 15. Traficant has just declared that the 47% are conniving parasites but some are merely unemployed working people. Which is it, and where does that well-informed, happily and rightly untaxed American patriots?

Here's the rub: Traficant continues to say that the situation

".....poses a great opportunity for an innovative candidate. Romney could seize the political landscape by supporting the implementation of a national consumption, retail sales tax plan that would eliminate all income taxes, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and put America on the right track.
   "All Americans would benefit from a national sales tax. There would be no more withholding. Workers would get their whole pay."

Sure... but who would administer the tax, monitor compliance et al? Can you really see Congress ever voluntarily dumping the IRS overboard? Doesn't experience show that the government giveth, but the government never really taketh away what it really wants us to have?

What good is getting your whole pay if it doesn't buy any more goods and services than before? It reminds me of a conversation I have with people I meet who revere the memory of the Soviet Union. "It achieved full literacy!" They chirp. "Yeah," I reply, "people just weren't allowed to use it."

We don't owe the money. We don't owe the money. WE DON'T OWE THE MONEY. Not only that, but we don't owe the money. What gives when renowned Constitutionalists go looking for alternate ways for us to keep paying it?!?!?

What was AFP thinking?

For all your courage, truthfulness, sacrifices and dedication to the cause of justice, Jim, thanks from the bottom of our hearts. For this crazy stuff, Great Man, thanks but no thanks!


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