Saturday, October 6, 2012

Preachers to defy IRS? Pinch me, please; good PN meeting in Greer today

Is there a scientific term for when a vacuum is instantly filled -- nothing going instantly to something?

Looking at it from a physical, spatial standpoint, would it break the sound barrier -- or maybe beat the speed of light -- as solid matter pushed thin air out of the way with absolute fastness?
Pastor to Taunt IRS Over Free Speech

Surely such questions apply when preachers go from offering zero resistance to income tax tyranny to flouting it outright, if only for a moment. On this subject they mostly have had zero backbone; now one is to appear in that space instantaneously. (Will they really send the "Service" their sermons?)

Wherever you are in this great country of ours, please enjoin the preachers nearest you to forget IRS strictures. Remind them that there was never supposed to be a "separation of church and state" as we know it -- its purely communistic. Urge them to resume their historic, crucial role as America's conscience -- the pure, uncensored, outspoken kind, warning the people of absolutely any mode of danger that faces them.

Subjects preachers were once outspoken on, but obligingly shut up about as society went for them whole-hog:

gambling / substance abuse / swearing / entertainment filth / slavery (truly more prevalent today than before the War Between the States) / socialism / government hijacking of education...... wait a minute, there's not a single curse or peril on us that preachers are generally willing to address anymore!

Most of them have ceased that prophetic function and are what the Scriptures call "dumb dogs that cannot bark", i.e. incapable of rousing people to healthy concern about any threat or depredation on their well-being. They may be Sunday-morning John Teshes, stand-up comedians, or total pulpit zeroes, but "watchmen on the wall" they ain't!

..............It was another fine session at Greer (north Greenville County, SC) Patriot Network club. Kevin Innes of Liberty Dollar fame and his wife, Libertarian activist Ginny Godfrey, were present for a celebration of monetary freedom and a teach-in on the heroic saga of Liberty Dollar's attempt to get ameriKa back on real money by totally benign, organic, nonviolent, voluntary means. Don't miss any PN meetings, folks -- we're family, and there's nothing like 'em. 


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