Sunday, March 27, 2011

RW Moore plus the day's info catches

A small but nice group of about 30 folks made RW Moore's funeral today (see yesterday's post). It was a poignant occasion from the first. I greeted some of the family -- in particular RW's wife Irene -- and learned among other things from them that RW was "Jim" to them! While in the navy, it seems RW had been promoter and announcer for a band on a ship under the stage name "Jimmy
One gentleman standing nearby was a family friend who had been a publisher of RW's materials many years ago plus two local weekly newspapers. He was quite interesting and knew of the Edgefield Advertiser, SC's oldest newspaper which used to carry my column. The service was brief and after the burial six of us PN members who attended went to our former PN monthly meeting place in Toccoa, Quincy's on Route 17 for food and fellowship. We talked a great deal of conspiracy science.
I tried something on them I had at the PN staff dinner on Saturday -- casually polling people about what their favorite pre-1970 movie was. It's always surprising!
Correction -- there were seven and a half of us at the restaurant including young Samuel Leitgeb, his parents and his anticipated little sister.
I tried driving home to Anderson along Route 123 and then Clemson Boulevard. This sentimentally evoked the times RBC and I would return from a PN meeting or, in particular, a speaking tour by that route.

.............Freedom's has some ripe headlines to start your week off:
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
My comment: You mean.... like a cakewalk?
Radioactivity in water at Fukushima #2 reactor is 10 million times the usual level
Comment: But nukes are still wonderful and safe, right?
Is the US Ruled by a Military Junta?
Comment: Some say that's why "law enforcement" has replaced peace officers, police departments have "captains" and "sergeants", and many a sheriff wears a six-pointed star badge.
.........Seen this? Warning: much footage of "Geraldo Rivera" bleating endless leftist clichés!--
Donald Trump Gets it Right AGAIN on Geraldo, March 27, 2011


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