Monday, March 7, 2011

Metals still going to town! Opportunity strong but fading fast?

(A further shameless promotion for the PN's Gold And Silver Buying Club)

Nobody needs to have a picture drawn for them of what gold and silver are up to, but today's news links include a graphic illustration of silver's progress....

an article responsibly predicting that gold will more than triple to $6,000 per ounce (while blasting economic saboteur Warren Buffett en route)....

and one partly authored by the same guy hailing Buffet's father Howard Homan Buffett as a legend among gold bugs!

Here's a subject close to PN people's hearts, one exposed at our meetings as recently as last Saturday: Real ID, the zippy buzzword government bureau-rats and other schemers give to their long-held ream of slapping a high-tech national ID card on us all. But what's this – good news out of nowhere? It seems the graph just won't quiet down on this topic, either:

Homeland Security Delays Launch of 'Real ID' – Again

No doubt, this bizarrely wonderful and unexpected story is, like so much of what goes on now, a direct result of ACTIVISM by our kind of people. The news at the Simpsonville (SC) PN meeting was that several years after the people of this country had used their state governments like a megaphone to tell the feds “no deal” on the big Brother-like Real ID scheme, Washington was simply going ahead with its requirements in the brazen fashion it does everything. Our reporter said in effect that it was such a done deal that no further action was possible, only seeking means of dealing with it as a fait accompli.

Perhaps you saw it, too – the news that has shot through the email realm that this fight was to be all over in May? Let's hope Big Brother (Uncle Sam) and Big Mother (ghoulish, Martian-looking Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano) are simply crying uncle here, with no punches pulled. And if you fought Real ID when it first hove into view in 2007 (as did several PN members/friends) you get partial credit for one of the rollbacks the System resents and despises most.


In other freedom news, have your heard the latest concerning Westboro Baptist Church – the group that pickets funerals of our recent war casualties? This activity has been massively declared as pure First Amendment free expression.

It may not sound like good news at first. Church members showing up when loved ones are paying an American killed in active duty their last respects – and burying her? Picket signs saying things like “God loves dead soldiers” – what could be more un-American than that?

Depending on your opinion of the extremely far-fetched no-win “wars” the fedgov drags us into, it could indeed seem shocking. But we must give thanks for a miracle like the Supreme Court declaring such action legal – partly for what it says about all our rights. This itself was a major shock to this blogger, and another one came when another message arrived from the Sovereign Society joyously celebrating this win over censorship and repression.

The Society is all about asset protection and expatriation, but the amazing thing is that the writer is former U.S. Rep. Robert Bauman. Sure, offshore-oriented pundits are alternative-minded, but they too have to watch who they offend in order to stay in business – and this funeral picketing issue is in the extreme category of controversiality!

My theory about the latter is that Westboro Bapist is trying to shout a prophetic message (in the manner of Isaiah or Jeremiah) at America that it has refused to hear and face up to via any other channel. The politicians refuse to face reality and grant it to the considerable number of citizens who want an end to the welfare-warfare state. The media play down the horrors of the conflict (like its total un-Constitutionality and mounting death toll) and play up superficial garbage. I doubt Westboro is even aiming its messge primarily at the grieving families, but rather using the propaganda value of the action to reach the masses. Let's hope the whole question is moot very soon.

Other stuff recently in:


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