Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Never mind the scandal. Never mind destruction of evidence. IRS continues rampage

The IRS’s God Complex 
The tax agency signs a secret pact with atheists, promising it will investigate 99 churches

This article astutely points out the obvious: the IRS can go after all the conservatives it wants, but it's only convicting itself all the more of selective prosecution/persecution. It isn't bothered in the least by the flagrant double standard, the blatant hypocrisy, the open communism of its crimes. It's going to go on doing what it does as if the recent scandals had never occurred.

That is of course because Congress, Republicans included, has done basically nothing to stop it. Regrettably, neither have the Christian pew-warmers for the most part. Is it mere coincidence that 501c3 preachers tell the faithless faithful over and over, in word and implication, that they're under no obligation to concern themselves with messy worldly political matters?

Or that (ha, ha, GUFFAW!) IRS agents are "God's ministers unto us for righteousness."

"The IRS's God complex" -- would that be the IRS thinking it's God, or hating and defying the true and living God?


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