Friday, August 8, 2014

Efforts to make other countries clones of ourselves

whether by plastic surgery or forcing them into a given mold are a total disaster. Support our troops -- ISIS and all that!
Washington Opened The Gates Of Hell In Iraq: Now Come The Furies

Golly gee, who could have foreseen it? Well, even the most hidebound socialist do-gooder warmonger could if they'd only listened to us peaceniks. Now, even some of most rock-ribbed interventionists are saying it's a total disaster and attempting it was the heights of folly. They're not apologizing for having worked around the clock for a decade to get the assaults going and then prettify them in the ear of the public, but you can't have everything.

The warmakers really have no excuse. Forget what we had to say to them in 2001 (as in with Somalia debacle and many others) -- one look at history would have shown them it was idiotic at best. Giving common sense ten seconds of its day in court would have done it, but sense ain't so common as it (I think) once was.

The worst part is they're still only listening to each other. They refuse to listen to those that used to be in that category -- Pat Buchanan or Paul Craig Roberts, for instance, and now Mr. Stockman, former Director of the federal Office of Management and Budget. But you and I can, and we can spread this crucial truth far and wide. Won't you share this posting with a few friends -- for the Cause? Thanks to all who will!

For the truth -- /\/.\/\/.

PS Did you know our problems stem from THEOCRACY in officially, virulently atheist ameriKa?

"...There is no escaping theocracy. A government’s laws reflect its morality, and the source of that morality (or, more often than not, immorality) is its god. It is never a question of theocracy or no theocracy, but whose theocracy. The American people, by way of their elected officials, are the source of the Constitutional Republic’s laws. Therefore, the Constitutional Republic’s god is WE THE PEOPLE.
"People recoil at the idea of a theocracy’s morality being forced upon them, but because all governments are theocracies, someone’s morality is always being enforced. This is an inevitability of government. The question is which god, theocracy, laws, and morality will we choose to live under?..."

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