Monday, September 24, 2012

We regret to inform you... you've been lied to about that Muslim video

Yeah, right -- half the Mideast revolting against ameriKan/Israeli(e) dictatorship and its all the fault of some movie, not our incessant rape-murder of their part of the world. Sure!

The Summer of Muslim Discontent: It’s Not the 'Amateur Film' Stupid
The so-called "Arab Spring" is a distant and bitter memory to those who fought and struggled for a better world, not to speak of the thousands who lost, life and limb. In its place, throughout the Muslim world, a new wave of reactionaries, corrupt and servile politicians have taken the reins of power buttressed by the same military, secret police and judicial power who sustained the previous rulers. Death and destruction is rampant, poverty and misery has multiplied, law and order has broken down, retrograde thugs have seized political power, where previously they were a marginal force. Living standards have plunged, cities are devastated and commerce is paralyzed. And presiding over this "Arab Winter" are the Western powers, the US and EU, - with the aid of the despotic Gulf absolutist monarchies, their Turkish ally and a motley army of mercenary Islamic terrorists and their would-be exile spokespeople. The legacy of imperial intervention in the Muslim world during the first decade of the 21st century, in terms of lives lost, in people displaced, in economies destroyed, in perpetual warfare, exceeds any previous decade, including 19th and 20th century colonial conquests. Much of the latest Western mayhem and violence has been compressed in the period dubbed the "Arab Spring" between 2011 - 2012. Moreover, the worst is to come. The Western overseers have gained strategic positions of power in some countries(Egypt), are engaged in prolonged ruinous wars in others (Syria) and are preparing for even bigger and more destructive military intervention in still others (Iran).

The above is how that story is presented at the (in my opinion) incomparable page. More from the rich mixture there:

Americans Are Literally Being Worked to Death
QE For the People -- What Else Could We Buy With $29 Trillion?
Obama Against the World
'War on Iran Will Trigger World War III'
The Federal Reserve, a Privately Owned Banking Cartel, Has Been Given Police Powers, with Glock 22s and Patrol Cars
A World Without Torture: The Responsibilities of the West
Illinois Cops Give Family Ten Minutes Between Delivery of Mysterious Marijuana Package and No-Knock Drug Raid
Media Gloats Over Decline of the Family
1992 Breaking News - Netanyahu Says Iran Close to Nuclear Weapon
Letter From Doomed Soldier Helped Change Congressman's Mind on Afghan Withdrawal Date
Rising Middle East Violence a Precursor for U.S.-Based Internal Combustion
The Real History of Third Parties
New Evidence in Obama Birth Certificate Cover-Up
Attack of the Killer Racist Peanuts
Land of the Free Watch: Obama Fights for Power of Indefinite Military Detention
Maureen Dowd Accuses the Neo-Cons of Fomenting War - and is Promptly Tarred as an Anti-Semite
The Trouble With Printing Money
America Paying the Price for Ignoring Ron Paul-Type Foreign Policy

Yes, the site is "CONTROVERSIAL"..... but it's one of the few places I make sure to visit every day. "Just do it"..... Yes, you there!

Personal opinions of the author, namely  /\/.\/\/.

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