Friday, January 13, 2012

The Sheriff Richard Mack events

Here's a truth hero you don't want to miss -- in person in two South Carolina locations tomorrow, Jan. 14:


Sheriff Richard Mack's Seminar on

The Constitution and the

Role of Civil Government and

Law Enforcement

Encourage your elected officials to attend!

Join us Saturday, January 14th

Venue 1 – Chapman High School, Inman, SC - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

1420 Compton Bridge Road, Inman, SC

- Map

Venue 2 – Lexington Middle School, Lexington, SC - 3pm-7pm


Each event is 4 hours long. They are educational, not political events.

Limited Seating: A $10 online ticket purchase by Friday evening

will reserve your seat.


Go to:

A $10 donation at the door for those

who have not purchased seats in advance.

Sheriff Mack is a South Carolina Law Enforcement Officer Certified Trainer which

means any officer who attends his presentation can receive CLE credits. We welcome

participants from all areas, including Technical Schools, Criminal Justice Academy,

Colleges (Pre-law, Political Science ) law enforcement officers, Solicitor offices, high schools, elected officials, and anyone interested in an educational seminar on governing from the local level.

"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." - Winston Churchill, Nov. 21, 1943

For more information

Contact or 888-312-3406


Read: The Proper Role of Law Enforcement by Sheriff Richard Mack

Read: The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope by Sheriff Mack or

Sheriff Mack's latest book covers decades of research to prove once and for all that the sheriff in each county is indeed the ultimate law authority in their jurisdiction. The sheriff absolutely has the power and responsibility to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from our own Federal Government.

History, case law, and common law all show clear evidence and common sense that the sheriff is the

people's protector in all issues of injustice and is responsible for keeping the peace in all matters. He is the

last line of defense for his constituents; he is America's last hope to regain our forgotten freedom. This

short but powerful book is a must read for all citizens, sheriffs, and government officials that we may all

work to return America to the constitutional republic she was meant to be.

As amazing as it might sound, the sheriff can make this happen!

What every citizen should know. What every officer should believe.

"To serve and protect", this time-honored mission statement of American law enforcement is steadily

giving way in police departments all across the nation to an ethos of intimidation, military-style siege,

and disdain for citizens' rights.

Richard Mack - the man who, as sheriff of a rural Arizona county, fought the Brady Bill gun-control law

all the way to the Supreme Court and won! Mack gives us an insider's glimpse into the pervasive forces

that are relentlessly driving America towards a police state.

In almost confessional style, he recounts how he came to realize, while working as a beat cop, how

wrong the all-too-common orientation of police officers is when they think of their job as being "to write

tickets and arrest people." Richard Mack tells of his personal transformation from performing "by-the-

numbers" to becoming a Constitution-conscious defender of citizens' rights.

This book is a wake-up call for all law-enforcement officers. It is a must-read for every man and

woman wearing a badge. If you have a friend or relative in law enforcement, make sure you get a copy

into their hands. You'll be shocked to learn just how far American law enforcement has strayed from

its mission.


The Most Important & Proper Role of the Free People.

The early settlers and founders recognized this Biblical doctrine.

The County Sheriff has both authority and duty to interpose and thereby defend the people of the county from Federal dictates. It is not the authority, nor duty of the sheriff to assist the federal government in imposing unjust actions on

the people but to interpose in defense our peace.

It is the JUROR who has all authority & obligation to NULLIFY wrongful law.

Under the Constitution, the President holds the weakest office outside of the declaration of war by Congress.

Then, and only under Congressional declaration of war, does the president become commander in chief of the military.

Sheriff Richard Mack, is the sheriff who sued the Clinton Administration over the Brady Bill and won, preserving

our fire arms freedoms in the face of the Brady Bill and since then has been teaching on the sheriff, the county's

last hope.

For information contact



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