Thursday, January 12, 2012

21st Century Slavery to the IRS

Many were present last Saturday for a superb teach-in on the Constitution by KrisAnne Hall. Her passion and conviction were admirable. I signed her pad for further information and this is among the first briefings I've received.


21st Century Slavery to the IRS

prominent presidential candidate said, in a recent speech, that the American tax system is "21st Century slavery...the IRS has become the overseer of the American people." Many called this statement outrageous and absurd. Is this an outrageous statement or and accurate statement?

Find out by reading 21st Century Slavery and learn what the founders thought.

Think calling tax hikes, revenue increases is something new? Think again.

Think taxing our land is a good idea? Our founders didn't think so. See just how relevant our history is today. 21st Century Slavery equips you with more ammunition to fight against the liberal LIE that the Constitution is a "Living Breathing Document" and proves that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Get armed to cast off, as Patrick Henry said, THE BONDS AND CHAINS OF SLAVERY!

21st Century Slavery to the IRS

A prominent presidential candidate said, in a recent speech, that the American tax system is "21st Century slavery...the IRS has become the overseer of the American people." Many called this statement outrageous and absurd. Is this an outrageous statement or and accurate statement?

Find out by reading 21st Century Slavery and learn what the founders thought.

Think calling tax hikes, revenue increases is something new? Think again.

Think taxing our land is a good idea? Our founders didn't think so. See just how relevant our history is today. 21st Century Slavery equips you with more ammunition to fight against the liberal LIE that the Constitution is a "Living Breathing Document" and proves that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Get armed to cast off, as Patrick Henry said, THE BONDS AND CHAINS OF SLAVERY!

Barak Obama's answer to our economic woes is - RAISE TAXES!

Barak Obama's answer for our alleged health care problems is - RAISE TAXES!

Barak Obama's answer for our broken Education system is - RAISE TAXES!

The truth is it's not about "raising revenue" there are proven ways to do that and the answer is not RAISE TAXES! The TRUTH is - it's about CONTROL.

Yet a portion of Americans, our neighbors, just accept our tax system as something that's normal and natural. We need a complete paradigm shift in this nation. We need to wake people up to the reality of our modern tax system. One of the greatest problems in the national psyche today is that we have no frame of reference to fight the current battles. Our history has been stolen!

If you want to have a rock solid argument to prove that the Constitution is not a Living Breathing document, then invite KrisAnne Hall to speak to your group.

Former State Attorney fired for teaching the Constitution to TEA Parties; KrisAnne now travels the country teaching the Constitution and its 700-year historical foundation.

Restoring Constitutional Law,

KrisAnne Hall
Constitutional Attorney

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