Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Knowledge is falling down like rain

Somebody must want you ponder World War II's real impact on the ameriKan economy. The theme has surfaced in the form of a Tom Woods video via yesterday

No, World War II Did Not Help the Economy

.....and a 2012 Wall Street Journal clipping I found in processing tons of old yellowing stuff in my file room this evening:

Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate 
A liberal article of faith that confiscatory taxes fed the postwar boom turns out to be an Edsel of an economic idea.

We've been talking a lot about "income taxes" in the "4um" lately. People are so downtrodden they don't even want to believe those are unnecessary or consider the obvious evidence, but I'm working on them. Please join the 4um and start helping sunder light from darkness!

Something came to me in the course of writing a post there applying the Scriptures to the subject

As a child one thinks it's crazy on learning that Israel under the prophets had no king. Then you grow up and remember THIS
........and ah, does it make sense -- painfully so. Gee, that passage carries more irony than I thought! People joke that "if God only requires ten percent" (tithing) "then that should be good enough for the IRS!" But ten percent was presented in the above passage as a punishing horror, so the IRS is freshly condemned from the Word of God all over again.

That is, because it's gouging way, WAY more than any 10% today on everybody who'll sit still for it.

Do you see it now -- do you agree -- will you spread the word? INCOME TAXES ARE HIGHWAY ROBBERY and IRS agents are NO "ministers of God to thee for good" -- Romans 13!

If you attend a super-holy, doctrinally airtight temple of systematic theology that thus teaches that everybody hired by (or elected to) government is a "minister of God to thee for good", you mght want to share all this your pastors there. You might want to quit putting money in the collection plate. Depending on their response, you might want to shake the dust of its feet as you exit it for the last time.


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