Saturday, May 23, 2015

Nothing is what it appears -- or claims -- to be

And most things at the top echelons of power, whether in your state or this country, are the diametric opposite of what's touted.
FBI admits no major cases cracked with Patriot Act snooping powers

The main focus of the USG's efforts since 9/11 -- well, since way before it behind closed doors -- has been getting amerikans to accept a terror-based existence. They want us to believe they're fighting to save us from evil Ayrabs and Moozlims that want to come here and start beheading people just like you by the millions. But are you, dear reader, ready to accept the fact that the government are the real terrorists, they hate us ten times more than the Ayrabs and Moozlims, and would dearly love to start just mowing us down with machine guns?

Guess who really hates us for our freedom and prosperity -- the people we elect to office, that's who. Our crimes are possessing things they want for themselves, thinking our own thoughts, and worshiping the gods we choose or none at all.

They consider themselves God and their fondest wish is to take over that position in our lives -- yes, to exploit and mass-murder us according to their whim. But above all they want to capture our minds in order to gain those other powers over us with our cooperation -- thus the Patriot Act.

Have we drunken the Kool-Aid? Is our central, defining thought a religious belief in Ayrabs as the devil and in Beltway bureaucrats as the god who will save us from them?

Are we that stupid, that witless, that spineless?

Are you ready to admit how far things have gone?

Say something -- please. Say no!


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