Saturday, May 30, 2015

Another terr'ist -- CAUGHT!

Isn't it just marvelous that they've caught the Silk Road guy? Oh, it's exciting! Where would we be without our noble Federal gangbusters -- they always get their man.
Ross Ulbricht begs judge: 'Please leave light at end of tunnel' with sentencing

There's only one little wrinkle -- our noble federales are infinitely bigger criminals, including drug trafficking, than this guy will ever be. Yeah, criminals.

Am I imagining things or is it there's usually a female judge on some grotesquely tyrannical ruling? You don't think they're just a touch oedipal, do you?

"Convicted Silk Road operator asks judge for leniency as prosecutors demand lengthy sentence to set example for would-be deep web entrepreneurs" = FP's thumbnail summary of the above matter. See, they hate true free enterprise, because they can't control or tax it. They live to control and tax -- it's in their DNA. It's not deep-web criminals or shysters they're after, but entrepreneurs. Bitcoin? They probably have to pop twice the blood-pressure pills, they hate it so bad.

I hope, pray and envision there will come a day when the government simply has to let the innocent people go, because it's finally out of money or mercenary stooges or something.


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