Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What they do all day in Washington

Step right up, folks, and see how national affairs are being handled until we manage to send some actual grownups to Washington:

MLK Memorial may not be ready for anniversary

Number one, this whole project is sending a message to the world that America doesn't exist anymore and has been replaced by the Untied State of “Diversity,” where the top priority is honoring racist demagogues of half a century ago.

Number two, the new entity is capable of being brought to half a halt by haggling over what gibberish to inscribe on it, because the first batch, while an accurate quote from the late thug, reminds people of what he was – egotistical.

Number three, the new entity's “leaders” love “diversity” and hate America so much they've hired a sculptor from a rival country that doesn't even understand English to create this thing. Artists are a radically “liberal” bunch – have they been heard from on the outsourcing of this tribute to one of their top heroes?

This case reminds me of another little crisis in Florida a few years back. If you laugh even half as hard as I did on reading it for the first time, you're having a great day:

James Gang

The humor is, indeed, slightly ruined by the spectacle of supposedly grown-up people calling this simple typo a gigantic outrage and insult and looking to punish somebody. I don't want my society run by spoiled children who live from fad to fad – do you?

If you think Waller is being "racist" or insensitive, consider the words of a late, great, nationally syndicated columnist:



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