Saturday, August 17, 2013

The late, great (very great!) Elizabeth Wright

One good post on leftwingers' "diversity" demagoguery deserves another. Here's a magnificent column on it
by South Carolina's own Gail Jarvis, a man of real compassion equaled by his no-nonsense brain power. He's going to tell you about a black commentator and webmistress who had no more use for Jesse Jackson or the NAACP than you or I do. Her crusade was drawing attention to how such entities are in fact destroying black well-being and any chance for real racial harmony in this country today.

These are my same concerns when I sound off about race or semitism at meetings. Certain People are effecting a startlingly simple divide-and-conquer action between black and whites among many other groups. We cooperate with this treatment like rats in a maze! Any society that looks the other way regarding this subject is to be pitied, because it is utterly doomed.

I used to correspond a little with Ms Wright and suspect she would share my pessimism about the possibility of ameriKa ever finding its common sense and basic reflexes again regarding minority racism.

It's only a one-line URL and a one-line headline, but a world of mental freedom lie behind them. Please click and read!
Remembering Elizabeth Wright

The same forces mentioned previously are constantly struggling to keep the Mdeast in turmoil, with more than a little help from ameriKa. Those who take up this article run with it are a rare breed:
60 Years Ago: US, British Spies Orchestrated Coup Against Iran’s Elected Govt 
US Still Vying for Iran Regime Change 

In other words, the US has been wreaking havoc for the rest of the world over its hatred -- or something -- of that Iran, which has never done us any harm. Some say it's because we want their oil. But if that were the case we could just buy it. There has to be some other motive, something darker. Crueler. More vicious and bestial. Taking suggestions on what it might be! Come on, let's hear 'em -- it's for this nonsense that ameriKa is finally being immolated.


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