Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Surgical" drone strikes: the real mental health report on Washington DC

We are ruled by the sickest monsters who have ever lived. Even when the USSR ruled the world, I never heard of it bombing areas of (e.g.) Afghanistan once to kill the citizens and then doubling back to kill the rescuers. They at least realized their folly in invading that country after nine years and got out. Our politicians have told us we're going to spend the rest of time there.

In Pakistan you have a large population that's forever scarred with PTSD and seeking psychiatric help for it because "we" are passing drones over it and sometimes onto it around the clock for 24 hours. What are we doing in Pakistan to begin with, please? Are we really "in" it, or merely flying unmanned yet deadly pushbutton raids to bomb it back to the stone age?

This video will temporarily ruin whatever day you're enjoying in the land of the fee and the home of the slave. But for anybody who never complains to DC directly about Congress's crimes -- me, for instance -- maybe it deserves ruining. As you view, please remember all this is happening for one reason only: because Israel wants it to.
Life under 24 hour drones

As horrible as it may feel to know your country is the most destructive and amoral on earth towards others, remember too that DC is making drone warfare on us, the citizens as well.

Who are the U.S. and Israel gunning for?
Iran, a place most Americans cannot find on a map


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