Monday, December 10, 2012

More on the the politicians' "job creation" mind game

Mind Games. It was the title of a clangorously ironic song by John Lennon years ago. Looking back on its lyric from today's remote world, it's surprising how apt it is to now:

Politicians work via mind games -- that's for sure. And for way too long, they've been dinning in our ears the big fat LIE that government or ANYBODY needs to "create" jobs in a viable economy. It's one of the many things that was never mentioned or even imagined in the America we left behind us, but that people live by today.

One of the big, painfully obvious reasons the economy is wrecked is that politicians and their cronies in mega-business have destroyed the dollar. I hardly think that when these same parties talk of giving us new jobs there's an iota of sincerity in it. Certainly Ron Paul has never indulged in this sickeningly smarmy cant.

It is imperative for us the people to realize that as soon as bureaucrats start talking "job creation" as a political goal, the game is already lost. JOBS HAPPEN NATURALLY in the course of natural economics, or THEY DON'T HAPPEN. When they don't, it's a virtually sure thing it's due to manmade plagues such as socialism and runaway union power abuse.

Strangely, I feel like a voice crying in the wilderness on this. Politicians and even my fellow (?) conservatives will talk about "job creation", which major party will do better at it etc, but I don't recall hearing one commentator shoot down the very concept. It's nice to be vindicated by a headline like this when it finally happens:
73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government

So -- what's so bad about that as long as jobs are coming available? Nothing -- for a few minutes. Sure, what's wrong with one more little case of.... government spending?

Lennon recorded Mind Games in 1973. By 1980 he was dead, and don't you doubt for a minute the System murdered him. Maybe he had realized he'd been its too-willing tool and was planning to expose it. Little hints keep coming forth that he was increasingly seeing through it.

There's always the chance he was a mind-control subject, a cultural Manchurian candidate who maybe came to. Michael Jackson would be a parallel case:

Readers' comments below this piece score LaToya for seeking publicity, but I've got news for you, "big conspiracy" is the last phrase entertainment stars ever voluntarily utter.

Rocking that boat can be very bad for business.  


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