Friday, November 23, 2012

Superb young prophets against the war machine

Each new day brings more unspeakable atrocities and war crimes on the part of the US or its worser half, Israel. By his seriousness and his ethnicity, Glenn Greenwald has gained a somewhat high profile in the dominant leftwing media as an articulate critic of the situation, despite the media's total corruption and servility to the political establishment. His latest column against the war and killing machine says a great deal that shouldn't need pointing out, but does:
Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza
The Obama administration's unstinting financial, military and diplomatic support for Israel is a key enabling force in the conflict

It reports new lows in the epic smugness and bestiality of the ameriKan sheeple and its political Establishment as to the US's role in the ongoing ruin of the Mideast. Even I, after 20+ years covering this beat, am still shocked at the depravity of the world's most supposedly civilized society, ours, in this regard. 70% of liberal Dummacrats support Israel's endless hate and genocide against its Palestinian minority and long-suffering neighbors? Why then do we have churches and schools if this is the monstrous end product?

About 1/5 of the way down Mr. Greenwald's piece page is a video in which one Jeremy Scahill shocks a journalist and some sector of the viewing public by simply stating the morally obvious about all this. READ OUR LIPS, ameriKa -- what part of mass murder don't you understand? How much of communism and Nazism shall Washington re-enact for you to toast in your sports bars as if a mere football game?

Like Obama, lots of the politicians running the pushbutton proxy wars for Israel from comfortable conference rooms in DC have never been on a battlefield -- but Mr. Scahill has reported from where hell is hottest:

The abovementioned video is followed in the same space by one in which he's up against three hysterically jabbering crazies on these issues, of whom two are professional Zionists and all are brazen, obstreperous de-facto Obama PR creatures. I'm glad this stuff is being committed to studio archives and hope these berserk self-worshipers are around for the day when we, the people, are finally, seriously sorting out who the perpetrators of this insane age were -- the media hype artists no less than the politicians and military they prettify. 

In the second video, note that as usual these shock troops of political correctness have only one game -- attempting to stomp the truth to death -- and that their guest, the recognizably human Mr. Scahill, gives them the antidote very, very few others will -- repeating the truth whole as needed. But then the host just takes over, blabbering supersonically in defense of the ameriKan Demon-in-Chief and his despicable kill list.

What are those commies on?

Seriously, what drug makes them such frightening jabberwocks? I'd like to take a dose of it and mix maybe 1/10 of 1% of it into my orange juice each morning. Should be just about like a cup of coffee, only lots cheaper.

Isn't it just so chic the way the Establishment speaks of the "wars" as being meaningfully over, as if Obummer had done one lousy thing to phase them out in real terms. The above Wikipedia link mentions "post-invasion Iraq", and in the one video contains screeches about how Obummer has (!!!!!?????!?!?!?!?) brought the troops home from Afghanistan, leaving only a few gazillion corporate mercenaries hires in their place. Is that believable? Is this living? Where are we and how did we get here? Where is there any provision in the Constitution for us to park batallions of Hessians in foreign countries to help residents of the Zionist bandit state sleep easier at night?

Sleeping pills are a lot cheaper. 


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