Monday, July 23, 2012

Obama sics IRS on nonprofits; odd Karl Rove angle

This article is rather cloudy and windy.....
IRS sizes up political groups' tax-exempt status

....but I think a comment somebody added hits it right on the nose:

What a shocker!
Obama and his gang are shutting down conservative organizations to defeat him this November.
That guy is really a corrupt sob! Who is not afraid of doing anything and everything to get re-elected and to finish the damage he started!

The piece says Karl Rove will be spending $300 million to fire Obummer. Wouldn't that be a rather extreme case of brand loyalty -- "I'm a Republican, he's a Democrat, he's got to go"? What, pray tell, is the difference, except that Rove will have a chance of getting appointed to a GOP administration?

Ahhh, that's it. The illustrious goon wants ameriKan rubes to cough up 9 figures to get him back in the high life again. Now that's job creation!

I'm all for firing Obama, but NOT if it's going to give people a false sense of improvement. Which is worse, a prez that everybody knows is a Dummacrat, or a republiCON one that fools more of the people more of the time?

Read at "Tag team politics means it's the Republicans' turn to screw you for a few decades while the Democrats pretend to care."


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