This page is just in and I'm only starting to listen to the show linked in it, but I can all but promise you it's going to be great.
Ben Swann – Facts: Clarification from the RNC rules committee, Ron Paul has 6 states
............How about this headline via
U.S. Drone Manufacturers Contribute Millions to Congressional Campaigns
Wherever you look in this basket case of a country there's gross, flagrant, prestigious, systematic, syndicated conflict of interest. Remember hideously skull-faced Michael Chertoff, Boy George Bush's Secretary of Homeland Security? Once the foul TSA was formed and added shocking new levels of humiliation and harm to the ameriKan sheeple, it was found that Chertoff was a kingpin in the manufacture of the extremely expensive airport scanning machines at the center of the plot!
Of course these are merely two cases of big-time conflict of interest that meet the eye. They're crucially important news, but don't expect Congress, the judiciary or the FBI to do anything about either -- after all, our real oppressors are on the other side of the world and that's where public attention must remained focused.
By the way, if you think I was being unkind about Chertoff's appearance, please check the portrait photo here:
I only viewed it myself on writing this far down our blog page. Was I cruel in my description? Or joking? Exaggerating for effect? Never mind his grotesque skull-facedness -- please take a close look at this image and tell me you think there's anything normal about it. Can you deny the smirking contempt, the eyes bugging with smug malevolence, the overall effect of conspiracy ghoulishness? Do you think these things just happen in government semiotics -- that this icon of federal moxie is in any way normal or wholesome?
When did you ever see Chert looking so dark, please? By the way, his Russian name means in effect "son of the devil". When did you ever see a politician posed as if emerging out of the dark of night like that? You've got stars in a very dark blue "sky" per the "American flag" on his right (symbolic of night, e.g. secrecy) dissolving into absolute blackness on his left (our right). The Insiders do this to flaunt their true sinister nature and evil agenda, resting assured the whole time that only supposed extremists like me will ever make anything of it.
The great Texe Marrs has written large books on how the System uses such clues and motifs for psy-ops purposes on us all. They're bragging through them everywhere around us of what they're doing, what master they really serve, and what chumps they think we are. If you think I'm merely seeing things, I think I can assure you that if you had been able to see this picture through a time machine way back in the 1940s or '50s you would have recoiled in horror at the very sight of it.
Getting back to Dr. Paul, it's just stunning how many otherwise staunch conservatives are running from him now that he finally offers the relief they've been pining for through decades of Bushes, Clintons et al. I've just come from visiting an 86-year-old friend who was a true "nothing sacred" rightwinger most of her adult life, but she and other otherwise same ladies (mostly ladies) of her generation have drunken the media Kool-Aid and convinced themselves that we simply can't have Ron for president and should put him out of our minds. She gets furious at me when I have involuntary eructations at the sight of Romney on her TV while flipping the channels -- goes purple with rage when I try to discuss it! I've never personally witnessed such purely Pavlovian conditioning before the "terror" age and the vulgar spells it casts.
Conservatives generally make war against each other -- it's so much safer and more convenient than engaging the enemy. If they're not already hard right (meaning firmly committed to the truth, wherever it may lead) be careful, you might get your head blown off in trying to set them straight about (e.g.) neocons. Here's another such scene from just the other day.
A friend in Florida had forwarded to her list of close friends that jingoism about how wrong it is to call America arrogant or imperialistic, and how many other countries we've "helped" through the years. (It discreetly left off all mention of how we've helped them to be in dire need of our help.) One cliché it adduced was how many young American soldiers' lives have been sacrificed in the "defense" of other countries, etc. blah blah. I hit reply all (as I have every right to do) and wrote back
If ameriKa isn't arrogant, Virginia, how would you define the word?
The proper body count just for WW2 is 350,000 ameriKans cut down in the
prime of life for.... for.... I'm trying to remember. ameriKa had
arrogantly provoked the Japs into attacking us and took over a European
war that was none of our business.... for the 2nd time in 30 years!
Nobody but one mutual friend here in upcountry SC complained to me. Unsurprisingly, he did everything but take on the crucially important issues at hand. His answer is 1341 words of sheer emotionalism, with more than a touch of hate:
Nelson... your reply, obviously meant to be to Virginia only...
obviously went to EVERYBODY on the list of Virginia's contacts...
I know it came to ME.... and I'm sure you didn't mean for it to come to ME of all people,.. knowing how I feel.. ( but I'm sure you don't care)
America may be a bit "arrogant" as you put.. I like to think of it as PRIDE...
IF it had not been for American "arrogance" as you so UN-patriotically put it...
The French... the British...the Italians.. and probably good old "arrogant" U.S.A. would be speaking GERMAN right now.. including YOU....
And the idea that America "provoked" the Japanese into attacking US ...that's the most un-patriotic...and yes, "arrogantly stupid" comment I've ever heard ANYbody make...even you....
I would be one of the first to say that America is at the present time on the way DOWN the "tube"... and it is NOT because of the likes of George Bush( both of them)...... it is because of the likes of the Clintons and the current "Socialist in Chief"... Barrack HUSSEIN ( freaking mohammedan sympathizer )....Obama... or should I say "Osama Obama"...
Also,...while I'm on a rant... the idea... and I realize it's not your original idea.... that America conspired with Israel to set up 9-ll .... that, too,... is totally absurd....
Here he spat something about breaking with a fourth mutual acquaintance because of his irrational verbal attacks, if you can imagine that! I'll spare you the rest of his rant (contact me if you want the whole thing) but it got quite ugly as it went on, and "Republicans good, Democrats bad" was the entire gist of it, ending with stuff about his having served in Vietnam and how in effect that means our foreign policy is correct right there, de facto.
This is, indeed a quite common thing -- I find that much of the time proud war veterans are not only arrogant but abusive and insulting in their response to paleo-conservatism (that's the good kind).
Just like liberals, they relish calling you insane.
Please look at the Chertoff photo again and tell me it doesn't look absolutely, calculatedly demonic -- and what that implies for us all, regardless of party.