Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupyists challenge so-called president; so-called president smothers them with System smarm

Talk about a tempest in a teacup.... The Occupy Wall Street gang just showed the world once and for all how Mickey Mouse they really are. They should have known the so-called president could anesthetize them with a wave of his earnest little schoolboy paw!

Couple days ago a story came out entitled

First Russian Newscaster Gives Obama the Finger, Next President Gets Heckled at Home

Now, the so-called president is one of the most hated creatures on earth, but how did I know this story was going to be a mere shadow of what its headline promised? Because..... no matter how bad things get, people still totally lack the guts to publicly tell off corrupt public figures right to their faces.

Telling them what we really, really think in person is one of the most sorely lacking minerals in our (and their) diet. Doing so with crowds watching is ten times more so. But politicians and other celebrities have developed mass hypnotism so slily -- and have patterned the masses with such scientific precision -- that people simply crumble before their supposedly dazzling charm, charisma and bigness. At such moments the glare of celebrity deity instantly blinds us to the fact that we're merely getting a bigger sack of horse poo in the face than ever.

In the first place, the claim (per the above link) that a Russian newscaster flipped the so-called president a bird is pitiful. Thrilling as such a journalistic breakthrough would be, check the videos in the article and you'll see that the lady's fingers vaguely form a bird for maybe a second. She gives no indication that it's directed at the so-called president, and as one comment added says, it could as easily be aimed at someone off-camera in the studio.

The other video there reveals that "heckling" in question is a brief, symbolic hubbub created by Occupyists in the audience at a talk by the so-called president. For a split second you think they're actually going to make a difference -- maybe even give the so-called president the total disruption treatment that Marxist radicals give conservative speakers on college campuses -- but no, to these kids, a brief (less than a minute) showing of "angry young man" ire is plenty!

Instead of the so-called president being prevented from going any further with his lies and evasions, he simply hoodoos his challengers. Clucking faux-populist sympathy and understanding, this earth mother from hell, this kinder-gentler ameriKan mascot on angel dust, this STINKING GLIB POLITICIAN finally shows how true it can be that he's oh so slick and smooth: he clasps them to his ample bosom, embracing them and their hurt feelings about his administration's arresting thousands of them.

From the first outbreak, the so-called president smiles indulgently. He misses no beat, as if his handlers have found out this was going to happen, have groomed him on how to handle it, and slipped him an extra happy pill.

He feels the protesters' pain. He sweeps their rage up like a finely-tuned psy-ops vacuum cleaner. The rest of the crowd starts cheering him and booing those who are so boorish and racist as to cloud another sunny day in his blessed and glorious life. O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! the cheer goes up, almost reminiscent of Acts 19:28 -- "Great is Diana of Ephesus!" What do you want to bet the Occupists go and vote for the jerk all over again next November? With enemies like them, what need has he of friends?

The myth of this "heckling" continues -- today it's a CowboyBytes email proclaiming

Occupy Wall Street Turns On Obama

Get our hopes up, why don't you! Don't worry, it's just a retread of the above story mostly taken up with banal chewings of the bipartisan political cud.. First the neocon Newsmax site contrives to make establishment Republicans sound radically annoyed with the so-called president, even wondering if nonexistent or purely symbolic GOP rage against him fueled the Occupy movement!?!?!?!?!? Then it happily goes on to list the movement's most avid supporters: unions, Dummacrats, Pelosi.

Cute photo caption halfway down: "A protester hands the president a note in New Hampshire today. (AP)". Don't miss the guy's pudgy, cherubic smile! Hey, he's wearing suit and tie -- do you think it's really a note of support from the Donald Young Guild Of Presidential Paramours? Cf.:

........On to less purely emetic news. Just as support for Ron Paul appears to be smashing all skeptics' quibbles and is getting respect even from a few major liberal talking heads -- and even as Liberty Dollar founder Bernard von NotHaus faces a bleak future in prison for bringing back real money -- THIS:

2008 RON PAUL .999 Silver Liberty Dollar $20 NUMBERED HALLMARKED #458 of #1000

Closing bid.... $280!

............It's Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Things are bad, very bad, but they could be much worse. I'm thankful that as the new Rome burns I still have the freedom to chronicle it and name its perpetrators. And that people read my fulminations, hopefully sharing with others. And that I was present for a wonderful gathering of right-headed Christians last night, and will enjoy another one in a few hours -- right here in the right-wing hotbed of them all, upcountry South Carolina.

Who am I thankful to? Almighty God, the creator of all that is. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob -- he who so loved the world that he sent his only into it to redeem lost, undeserving, even defiant humanity. The Christian God, the true and living God, our politically-incorrect, loving heavenly Father who will rightly brook no competition.

I wouldn't blame our gracious Lord for washing his hands of us (and I do mean us!) but see him still guiding and blessing his faithful remnant today, if only we'll follow, listen, and return proper thanks, loyalty and obedience. May we show him today in particular how truly grateful we are for his kindness and forbearance.

/\/.\/\/. (864) 356-9966

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