Friday, November 18, 2011

At the often stomach-churning, some rays of hope

I've always said that all we had to do to win it fast is start doing everything to THEM that they do to US -- within the law. Many cases of it occur; the most delectable may very well be when freedom-seekers take the high-tech surveillance wizardry the Establishment exploits to the fullest against us, and turn it on our oppressors:

The video below showing a civilian operated drone chopper filming riots in Warsaw, Poland last Friday is a great example of the democratization of what was until very recently, military-grade tech. This is a straight up ISR drone that’s flying high above the streets of a major city taking camera footage that was once the exclusive domain of high-priced news choppers and government helos.

That article would also be the high point in the tedious course of this Occupy movement thing so far, which has been long on vague sentiment but short on focus. Where's the beef?........ Speaking of high tech, isn't it good to know that a whole continent somewhere is turning against Mr. Chertoff's cancer generators?

Controversial ‘naked’ body scanners, already in use at Manchester Airport, could be withdrawn after EU chiefs warned that they could pose a health risk due to the radiation they emit.

This item won't do anything for your respect for Germany, but what a nice spike on the chart of Britain's brain waves:

Germany has drawn up secret plans to prevent a British referendum on the overhaul of the European Union amid concerns it could derail the eurozone rescue package, leaked documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph disclose.

The Blacklisted News homepage is 19 print pages long, but the above are about the only signs of hope showing in it at present. Translation: the situation is very, very bad! Do your friends and family a favor, won't you? Figure out to some way to calmly get it across to them that there's a cannon pointed at their head and the ground is being yanked right out from under their feet.

They've got to know it.

/\/.\/\/. (864) 356-9966

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