I mentioned reading JADED TASKS
…..and I’m more impressed with its integrity and professionalism with each succeeding chapter. (Things one might hope to expect with a unique, courageous publisher like Trine Day.) Get this from a section entitled The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia (page 84, first edition):
Like an urban SWAT team, a force of young gung-ho British and American men descended upon a country's capital city and seized control over the electric power system of the entire nation. Soon, British and American control of the system resulted in a breakdown of critical infrastructures and industrial output, and widespread public anger.
While this could very well have been an accurate description of US and British occupation troops in Baghdad or Basra in Iraq, these evens occurred “peacefully” in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia in 1999. However, in this case, it was not American and British troops who took over the country’s power system, but Applied Energy Services (AES) or Arlington, Virginia, a company that bills itself as “the largest owner of power in the world”. AES, not unlike the now-defunct Enron, is politically connected to the GOP. And AES nearly went the way of Enron; teetering on bankruptcy, the company chalked up $2 billion debt in 2002.
Formed in 1981 by two ex-Department of Energy officials, Roger W. Sant and Dennis Bakke, AES’s current Board Chairman is Richard Darman, the Office of Management and Budget director under Bush the Elder and partner of the GOP influence-peddling venture firm, The Carlyle Group. More important, Darman’s job at Carlyle meshes in nicely with his AES duties: he is Carlyle’s Senior Advisor for Global Energy & Power. Another AES board member, and also an adviser to Carlyle, is Republican Charles Rossotti, the former Internal Revenue Service Commissioner under Bill Clinton.
Thus your IRS chieftains are not mere tax goons but multi-faceted “new world order” cockroaches. Or would that be sucker disks on the great world-girdling octopus of tyranny?
Looks like you can read Mr. Madsen’s entire book here, perhaps after waiting for it to fully load for about an hour:
....…The next item is from a noted educator and activist some of you may know. Wouldn’t it be nice if socialist entertainers like Piers Morgan would just shut their political mouths? Good God, Wikipedia says this one’s written three volumes of memoirs and “In 1994, aged 28, he was appointed editor of News of the World by Rupert Murdoch, becoming the youngest national newspaper editor in more than half a century.”
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FACT: Piers Morgan on CNN News pressed his GOP audience to "believe" that IRS taxes pay for government and is presenting the GOP as "bad guys" in the ongoing saga of government down grade and default, per his program on July 29, 2011.
LINK: Grace Report: http://www.uhuh.com/taxstuff/gracecom.htm
FACT: The Grace Report presented to the American public by President Reagan told the truth about how the IRS-gathered taxes are used. IRS taxes DO NOT pay for running the federal government. They pay for DEBT REDUCTION on the national debt...only and nothing else.
FACT: The British Piers Morgan is ignorant of how the American tax system operates, yet his opinion is used to persuade Democrats that the GOP is causing a default.
FACT: Piers Morgan refuses to discuss the fact that there is no Democrat plan in writing. Neither the President nor the Senate Democrats have a written bill by which compromise can be made.
FACT: Compromise cannot take place when only one side presents a written bill...compromise always involves two different written plans. So, when the talking news heads say there is not compromise, they reveal how ignorant they are....or they are trying to spin the public opinion against the GOP. Compromising "hot air" just will not happen. Stupid opinion.
FACT: The Republican TEA Party knows that FREEDOM cannot compromise with COMMUNISM.
FACT: Americans fought against Brits and taxation in the past. They are doing it again.
FACT: All Americans are smart....but, some Americans are smarter than others.
FACT: Smart Americans know that the Communist Manifesto ten planks were inserted into the Democratic Party Platform with the influence of Eleanor Roosevelt. This fact was made public by the British intelligence officer John P. Coleman, who disclosed the evidence.
FACT: Smart Americans know that the communist-loving politicians have infiltrated both sides of the political aisle, and that a communist insurgency is taking place in the USA. General Boykin made this fact known via video disclosure in 2011.
FACT: Smart Americans know that without a $4 Trillion cut to the budget, Moody's will down grade the US Credit Rating. So far, no political party has passed a bill that will cut $4 trillion. The President refuses to put forth a plan to cut $4 Trillion. The DOWN GRADE is now inevitable.
FACT: Smart Americans know that a DEFAULT of the federal level will literally put the federal level "out of business", thereby leaving the 50 State governors in charge of the country.
FACT: Smart Americans want total grid lock in the federal level. They want a default. They are ready to press the RESTART button for the FAILED FEDERAL LEVEL.
FACT: CNN is not telling the truth to the American public with the news coverage by the British Piers Morgan.
OPINION: Piers Morgan is nothing but a talking head that is owned and operated by the Vatican and The Crown syndicate, which is using his position as a bully pulpit for the communist-oriented Democratic Party position ....smart freedom-loving Americans are ignoring CNN's Piers Morgan.
R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter
The Wikipedia piece is too rich for words, and adds Morgan has attracted criticism particularly for his TV work, with claims he is "smarmy," "arrogant," "self-satisfied," and "too full of himself." His show on CNN, Piers Morgan Tonight, has been described by one critic as "droning," "unnecessary," and "rubbish." The anguish of living in the TV age is slightly relieved by the thrill of free speech – while it remains.
Incidentally, this may be a good time to comment on one of my cultural pet peeves. Wayne Madsen sardonically mentions "the night the lights went out in Georgia", borrowing the title of a 1972 #1 hit record that slams the South as (surprise!) a backwoods hellhole of corruption and murder. Everyone North and South needs to recognize such bigotry for what it is. Sure, comedienne Vicki Lawrence co-wrote and recorded it almost 40 years ago, but it grew legs and even became a movie.
Ms Lawrence also starred in an entire sitcom making white Southerners look like trash. As a native Californian (whose distinctly un-American name real name is Axelrad) this yankee witch is in no position to talk. Shouldn't her next project be about how stupid Californians are to promote open borders and then pretend for the rest of time that the suicidal results are merely so much wonderful "diversity"?
Not so very long ago, the media/government establishment was not so brutal: "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" was first offered to Cher, but her then-husband and manager Sonny Bono reportedly turned it down (he was said to be concerned that the song might offend Cher's southern fans) (Wikipedia).
Despite the ostensible sophistication of Hollywood, UCLA, the Los Angeles Times et al, there's really nothing more backward than the trendy but insane worldview they epitomize. For a great book on the System's hatred and defamation of the South, check out Michael Hoffman's masterly essay Hate Whitey.