Below is a letter warning of such outrages right here in Greenville County, S.C., where the PN is headquartered. Greenville is a beautiful, peaceful area except that public officials are totally out of control there. These bureaucrats come from ordinary hard-working families like yours and mine -- how on earth do they become little Stalins immediately on getting elected? Let me guess: they're smashing your rights where you live as well!
From: Dave Edwards []
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:40 AM
To: Dave Edwards
Subject: County Council
Hope you are doing well today.
You may or may not have heard about the animal control ordinance/law that Greenville County Council is considering at this time. In its current form it will apply to all animals and will regulate how long you can have your animal tied up, what device/harness you can use, how long the rope has to be, or where they should be tied---this all comes from the proposed change in the law/ordinance . The bottom line of what they are considering is whether to have government intrude further into our lives or not. Which would you prefer?
Also, if this passes they will need more of your money (tax dollars) to cover the expenses of enforcing this law.
You have the opportunity to take a small stand for personal freedom and individual responsibility by contacting your County Council member and asking them to not pass this law. They need to hear from you or else this could be passed.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Dave Edwards
Even as entitlements (a.k.a. socialism!) devour the most magnificent national economy in known history, all the politicians talk about is how to keep on spending, spending, spending, and find new, even more banal ways to do it! Surely it's time to move from concern about their competence to discussion of their mental state. They are certainly callous and contemptuous of the public they claim to serve.
Taylor: Law of Unintended Consequences
Written By: Kelly Payne
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Former S.C. Secretary of Commerce Joe Taylor explains to a Dutch Fork High class how legislation passed to help citizens can sometimes have a detrimental effect.
Taylor says, for example, that he believes companies are more likely to initially hire workers from temporary staffing firms rather than bring on permanent employees because of government mandates that require firms to continue offering health insurance coverage through COBRA after employees leave.
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