Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Belgium proves it: national governments as we know them are superfluous

It finally happened: a civilized country (one of the most so) found itself without a national government, and.... life was better!

Who would have thought it? Poets have dreamed it, 1950s folk groups sang it, dramatists have scripted it, but only one modern western country has, to the knowledge of this self-appointed pundit, ever actually let time run out on the central political cancer. Let's dream a great dream and imagine the day when Babylon-on-the-Potomac goes out of business too -- or better yet, goes back to its original Constitutional job description and patches the document left by the Founding Fathers.

Or, best of all, let's envision the fedgov turning to the Scriptures for its guidance and marching orders!

Belgium No. 1 in days without government

BRUSSELS, Feb. 18 (UPI) -- Belgium has been without a government for 250 days -- breaking a modern-day record that was held by Iraq -- and some Belgians managed to joke about it.

Across the country, Belgians marked the event with mock celebrations toasting their non-government leaders who haven't been able to form a working coalition since elections in June, The Guardian reported Friday.

In other news, it's another presidential midterm and the world is witnessing, thank God, another Ron Paul-related money bomb.... whose stunningly fast progress is a rare ray of hope in the ongoing Titanic-like wreckage of the good ship USA. Oddly, I can't get a positive statement out of the person who first emailed me this news, or Wikipedia, or anybody else that our hero is in fact going to run again, but... apparently that's considered the definite meaning.

Say a prayer that ameriKa lasts to the next presidential election and that they don't "suicide" or "accident" this great man as they have so many others. His wife already had an airplane flight that almost ended in midair.

If the great man can raise 700 G's
in one day before he's a candidate, what can stop him from going all the way to the White House -- maybe even way ahead of schedule? That would certainly be preferable to riots followed by a military takeover, as in Egypt.


Liberty PAC 2011 President's Day Money Bomb Raises Over $700K!

From noted Columbia, SC-area activist Talbert Black comes the following item. GrassRoots GunRights is a large, outstanding Second Amendment organization with its own print newspaper. We hope many of you in SC will answer this call, and those elsewhere will push for similar legislation where you live.

From: tallbert@talbertblack.com

We have the
opportunity to expand our right to self defense in South Carolina this year with H.3292. I've been working with GrassRoots GunRights (GRGR) of South Carolina since 1999. They have been defending and expanding your right to keep and bear arms in South Carolina tirelessly and effectively for a long time.

When GRGR calls out the activists they call us Gorillas... because just by sitting in the committee room, watching and recording, we make the legislators as nervous as if there were a bunch of Gorillas in the room watching over their shoulders! So, GrassRoots Gorillas.... unite!

Please see the note below from Bill Rentiers of GRGR and make plans to attend the subcommittee hearing on H3292 on Thursday February 24th, 2011 at 9am in room 516 of the Blatt building.

Thanks for all you do!
Talbert Black Jr.

*** GrassRoots Gorillas CALL TO ACTION! H. 3292 ***

The House Judiciary General Laws subcommittee has scheduled another meeting on Thursday February 24th, 2011 at 9am in room 516 of the Blatt building to discuss H. 3292.

Every GrassRoots Gorilla who can possibly make it needs to be at this meeting! So please TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS. Pass this email on, and ask everyone to attend. We need this meeting packed full of gun rights supporters to convince the members of the subcommittee to adopt the GrassRoots proposed amendments to H. 3292 and recommend the bill for passage.

As GrassRoots has previously stated, H. 3292 is a very important bill which - if amended properly - could change SC gun laws for the better in a number of ways (open carry, restaurant carry, prohibit employers from banning guns in stored employee's vehicle, etc.) GrassRoots has proposed amendments to fix the problems with H. 3292.

Gorillas should meet on Thursday February 24, 2011 NO LATER THAN 8:45am near the statue of Strom Thurmond on the statehouse grounds. Contact me with any questions.

Bill Rentiers
Executive Officer
803-528-6346 (cell)

If you have not already read the GrassRoots analysis of H. 3292 please read it at

.......And we also hope many, many of you will pass the following news on to high schoolers in your lives -- or their parents.

First Foundations, Inc

Essay Contest


The word “silver” appears in the Bible more than 200 times!

In celebration of the silver anniversary of First Foundations, Inc., high school students are invited to enter a 2011 contest in search of biblical silver. Pure silver coins and/or cash scholarships are reserved for 10 winners.

South Carolina students are invited to submit original inspirational essays based on any one verse of Scripture containing the word “silver” and incorporating a testimony of why that verse ministers to the student author.

U. S. citizens actively enrolled in any public, private or home high school in the Spring 2011 semester may enter one original essay of not more than 600 words by the March 15 contest deadline. Each of 10 finalists will receive a pure silver coin (valued @ more than $25 per coin). The top three finalists will win cash scholarships. Entry deadline is March 15.

Request for rules & entry forms may be directed to First Foundations at 864-834-2300 or ffi113@bellsouth.net. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

The “Silver Search competition is a project of First Foundations, Inc., a South Carolina nonprofit research organization since 1986.


Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

This next item is unexpected -- and sent by one of the patriots with whom I lobbied against Real ID for many days in Columbia. Don't know what to make of it. Our issues guru warns that while Real ID went down in flames in SC its many components are waltzing into legal effect here under other guises. If, in fact, the fedgov is giving up on it, it's real progress.

Real ID: Dead in the States, Congress follows suit

By: Michael Boldin

Source: Tenth Amendment Center


Now for a sampling of today's politically-incorrect freedom items from blacklistednews.com:

Barack Obama recently made the following statement to American families that are struggling to survive in this economy: “If you’re a family trying to cut back, you might skip going out to dinner, or you might put off a vacation.”

The 66-year-old suggested his work with the Pentagon over his decades-long career could have made him enemies who wanted rid of him.

Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets

The Popular Uprising in Egypt. The Military Machine Remains Intact. The Political Status Quo Prevails


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