Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The people vs. the People's Republic of Florida

Claiming what's rightfully ours can be so simple.... even easy. If we go about it properly!

Silent treatment: Florida drivers at DUI checkpoints refuse to talk to cops (VIDEO)

The video is the second big image from the top. Note that the how-to videos have been seen two million times! There are interesting comments added, such as "It has been proven without a doubt that checkpoints are the LEAST effecient means to find drunk drivers. All those officers out on patrol keeping their eyes open for erratic driving is more effective in catching drunks. That's a fact. So these checkpoints are bogus, and really a way to condition us to allow their intrusion into our lives."

It's all still there right in front  of us, like a pile of gold and silver coins, beckoning us to live bigger and fuller -- our birthright of freedom. Only one thing stands between us and total victory -- the number of people daring to reach out and take it!


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