Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sorry, men -- you're fired

Pentagon gives pink slips to thousands of soldiers, including active-duty officers

This is the most precious theater-of-the-absurd moment since it was found that soldiers in the "war" on "terror" had totally inadequate vehicle armor and had to cobble some together themselves. Secretary of So-Called Defense's Rumsfeld's response? "Well, sometimes you have to go to war with the army you have," he beamed, "rather than the army you'd like to have!"

If I'm reading the figures correctly, the DOD budget during the Bush junta was the better part of half a trillion dollars. For them to ask our youth to put their lives on the line to "save our freedoms" and then tell them they couldn't afford basic battlefield protection, that should have clued everybody that things are not what they appear to be, that the fedgov is a shyster.

For that entity to start firing troops and officers just when it's pledging a trainload of moola to succor the children they're strategically ranging along America's southern border...... well, it examples the most colossal flaunting of hubris I can remember.

But of course in the era of the Bush-Clinton-Obama crime syndicate, you say that every day or three, and it's................. true  every day.

Hey -- this was the next story in the pile at nuttynewstoday.com :
Man who executed rookie cop: ‘I’m going to be famous’

You know, that is an exact analog to the "war" on "terror". We started smashing Afghanistan and Iraq on no better logic than this crook did his victim(s). Our psychology, perhaps subconsciously, was no fancier than his -- we "wanted to be famous" before the wondering eyes of humanity. Sure enough, our depravity was soon taking up every TV screen half the hours of the day and chickenhawk politicians are salivating with dreams of a "legacy" that would carry their named aloft in fame and glory through all time.

This thug killed a policeman, we've dropped heads of state. He considered himself the highest law -- our law is "you're with us or you're with the terrorists," our pastime is identifying "rogue" countries to bomb like some people sit and play sudoku.

How man more parallel would you like? Are you sick with shame over our behavior? A good indicator, perhaps.


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