Saturday, June 28, 2014
The "war" on "terror" is the total disaster we Constitutionalists shouted that it would be
I rarely share something here already aired in a PN egroup, but this one's extra-special. You may know that with me that generally means a lot of doom and gloom on the principle that nothing's going to improve unless people face -- and start saying out loud -- how bad things really are. This is no exception.
With kudos to for his numerous excellent contributions to the groups, the PN now brings you my take on Tea Party Economist's presentation of Gary North's highlighting of Matt Drudge's and Ron Paul's distillation of the basic, horrifying facts of the situation we've forced on Iraq.
Matt Drudge Reports on Iraq: A Total Rout of Neoconservatism- Ron Paul warned us way back in 2002 [video]
We are wonderful, friendly, talented, loving people, we Americans, as individuals. But collectively we're sometimes known to be monsters beyond all description. We knew while W was campaigning he was merely going to prove another sickening, soul-gutting warmonger from hell once in office. We knew when he started braying about weapons of mass destruction it was a gigantic fraud, because we're the most weapon- designing, -building, -stockpiling, and -selling entity on earth -- that Iraq was a former ally of ours -- that politicians lie virtually all the time, in proportion to their level of federal deity.
We knew when W's fellow neocon scumbucket told us this war could last 100 years that this was all planned way before 9/11, even people not familiar with Project for a New American Century (PNAC). We have known this entire time that our country was not the global cop as so often proclaimed but the global gang, and that our self-initiating right of membership is to run around blowing the heads off of X number of innocent civilians.
We have known, and we have no reason to pretend otherwise.... or act surprised.
Alas, this blog site underlines Constitutionalists once you write it, meaning Blogger feels sure you meant something else.... What do you think the chances are that the person who set up its inner dictionary syntax doesn't know what Independence Day is about?
The holiday, not the horribly vulgar movie......
PS Now for a perfect picture of both the form and substance of things resulting from a brutal, brutalizing, Bizarro communist ameriKa.
1. The greatest country in the world becomes the most evil.
2. Most of its eggheads praise and approve this.
3. The younger generation has never known anything but this insane situation.
4. The hideous vulgarity of it means not only that a young interviewer shows no respect for common sense and senior wisdom, but that the person posting it in youtube (with a right attitude toward the content) says so in the most offensive language..... which is, no doubt, simply the way he talks to friends and family without giving it a thought.
Interviewer gets f***** by Noam Chomsky
I remember America -- do you? The F-word was absolutely never heard among mature adults. Sort of like the word abortion?
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