Thursday, May 15, 2014

Will ameriKa kick the Bush drug.... or will the Bushes go on kicking America?

As drugs go, it's one of the most lethal and mind-destroying. Makes a country run around killing other countries to get their stuff away from them, just like a heroin addict.

As you're about to read, former Florida governor Jeb Bush's family is drug-engaged, so maybe that will help win voters as with his brother and father. But I hope he's not a drunk cokehead like W clearly was, based on his policies and numerous public performances.
Jeb: “I want to govern like LBJ”

Wanting to govern like LBJ is a little like saying "I want to negotiate like John Dillinger." Johnson being one of the most repellent, tyrannical Pezidents and ergo least popular, this would fit the Bush family to a T.  Johnson was never a popular Pezident in life; his civil riots obsession helped destroy education, the black family unit and much, much more; he's never mentioned anymore despite being a vivid memory to most baby boomers.

He was hell on Southeast Asia.He trashed JFK's excellent peace policy there and either staged, authorized or at least maximized the Gulf of Tonkin incident(s) as an excuse for ameriKa to plant its big fat boots in Vietnam and start stomping. Don't get me started on LBJ and the USS Liberty.

It's widely believed he was a moving force behind JFK's assassination, with Vietnam one of the big reasons for it. Big business and big military love war (in the recent words of Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson). As we know more than ever in the unbearable Obama years, nothing stops them in their push for ever more bombing, killing and "rebuilding" -- nothing. That is largely thanks to adventurist Pezidents TR, Wilson, FDR and LBJ. These have stoked jingoistic bloodlust among the sheeple and sent millions to kill and die on foreign fields for over a century until there's almost nothing left of us.

Eisenhower, no friend of peace himself, wisely warned ameriKa of its own military-industrial complex. Today it's called with even starker realism the welfare-warfare state. Thanks for nothing, LBJ. Do something else, Jeb Bush! Get your brats under control, George C.I.A. Bush.


PS The "Fool me once, shame on you" part is of course a properly stabbing reference to W's crapulous attempt to quote that saying in a speech. The laughter you hear isn't from audiences as he spoke (he is no joke) but crowds guffawing as these scenes were played back on the Daily Show or some such fluff:

It's classic of this Baby Boom presidential disaster to conflate the saying with a song by The Who -- Won't Get Fooled Again. Needless to say the Who and its trillions of fans worldwide have enthusiastically gotten fooled again over and over since that record hit the big time in 1971, notably but not exclusively by Democrat Pezidents like Slick Willy. Behold the very Bushoid cover of the album:

Pardon my jaundice!

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