Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hillary: First Lady once, but never a lady

I covet for this country a comprehension of the meaning of evil. People are programmed only to hate what the media want them to anymore, not to hate what's genuinely evil. Hillary is evil. If people are really too nice to hate her as I do, they'd better learn to recognize the deadly poison of everything she says and does.

The page you're about to view is smeared with verbal profanities and filth. But you should click to read it, because it's just the merest hint of what kind of person Hillary really is. The point isn't just that she talks or acts ugly but that she is qualitatively the worst politician ever to hold office in this country

So what -- one can be a bad politician and a decent person, right? That's what people tell me as a last-ditch effort at facing such a monstrous reality as this. I don't care what kind of person someone is individually if they're not robbing, killing and destroying in all directions. Politics and government aren't about personalities, though personalities tell us a great deal about most people.

That is one of the prime distinctions in human life, and if ameriKans don't ever grow up enough to learn the difference, it's the end for us and a lot of other countries too.
The Real Hillary Clinton is revealed and it isn't pretty..... Documented & Published outbursts


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