Friday, May 24, 2013

Ron Paul still at his post re IRS scandal

The IRS IS a scandal. It has been since the day it was hatched in 1913. Everything about it is satanic. Ron Paul remains one of the few public figures mandating the only real solution to the problem!

Fix IRS by shutting it ‘once and for all’

Former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas called the recent IRS fiasco troubling — but writes that the only way Congress can protect the freedoms of Americans from a long pattern of suspected IRS abuse is to “shutter the doors” of the agency “once and for all.”

The longtime GOP congressman writes that IRS agents in the 1930s were essentially “hit squads” against opponents of the New Deal, and that allegations of IRS abuse spanned the administrations of Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, Clinton and George W. Bush......

"Hit squads", yes! New Deal, amen! So, how long is this stupid jerk country going to keep hearing these irrefutable statements from this legendary sage, publishing them, reading them, and then going about its business as if nothing had ever happened?

Replace it with nothing. REPLACE IT WITH NOTHING.

..........Leftist have called imagined extreme-right politicians (such as Pezident Nixon) crazy through the years. When I was in seventh grade and Barry Goldwater came forth to save us from the galloping socialism already underway, my little yankee classmates smirked that he'd been declared insanea convenient way of turning their nose up at discussion of any actual issues. But look here, a presumable leftist is expounding a subject bandied about todayObummer as clinical narcissist:
Sam Vaknin Analyzes Barack Obama (Part 1)

We gain hereby a very useful buzzterm that applies to IRS goons, Pezidents, media moguls and half the politicians from coast to coast: "magic thinking." I've always said they clearly believed that all they had to do was utter something and it became true, no matter how outrageous, tyrannical or preposterous. Oho, this is the actual technical term for such stuff! Only the first sentence here seems to say so 

....but we can use and maybe even finesse it. In this second installment of the discussion he affirms another thesis of mine, that Obummer is simply another "W":

The other day I tried to persuade somebody that "Clinton was another Bush-41, Bush-43 was another Clinton, and Obummer is another Bush-43." People just don't want to believe "W" was anything all that bad!

By the following portion of his interview, Vaknin is declaring that Obummer can never hope for any change in his mental condition -- it's permanent, he says. Oxymoronically so, as it shows that Barry absolutely must step down ASAP and not continue the charade that he's acting in any interests but those of his dementia:

How remarkable this presentation is in itself. I thought Comrade Vaknin, an Israeli Jew, might be saying all this because Israel is angry with Obummer for supposedly pulling back on his abject subservience to Israel. But a caller to the program makes a negative side reference to Jewsunthinkable in this countryand neither Vaknin nor his interviewer has a fit! OK, this is an Israeli radio show, mystery solved. They only erupt over such things when non-Zionists are listening.

Vaknin does later allude to Israel complying with "Obama's dictates"a purely delusional notion in itself. ameriKa and Israel are near-terminal narcissist nations together. The truth this whole time is that the Zionist machine owns the U.S. government lock, stock and barrel (search "29 ovations" for indisputable proof), and it's an extremely rare public pundit that's willing to say so in any place or time. Certainly not in the "holy land" itself!

You, however, have the good fortune to get a proper handle on these "hot potato" issues through the

Personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/.

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