Saturday, April 27, 2013

How about those politicians! When they finally feel some need to cut spending, they go (surprise!) right for the items the sheeple can most easily be prodded to disagree with.
US military-industrial complex devours peace dividend

"It's what in Washington we call an iron triangle, you have an alliance between the private sector, the defence contractors, the executive branch, in this case the Pentagon, and the legislative branch."

But of course there's no real drawdown, no dividend, no peace. I seriously doubt there are any actual spending cuts.They've just brought home 20,000 troops from Afghanistan, oh joy. Anybody but me remember that it was hundreds of thousands that were sent there within seconds of 9/11 to save us from those Ayrab terr'ists? I mean find the WMDs. I mean win hearts and minds by bringing democracy and McDonald's.

Oh by -- about 6:00 in the film linked above, news of the F-35 fighter plane. Just before 7:00, it says it's going to cost a trillion dollars to operate and maintain the thing -- over time one hopes! How long have we even had trillion-dollar federal budgets? Doesn't appear more than 25 years:  


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