Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unusual: one claiming to defend our freedoms in uniform actually does so

The claim is made every day somewhere in your life: U.S. soldiers bombing and depopulating foreign lands, past and present, have been "fighting to defend our freedoms" or are "keeping us free" thereby. Oh, how I would like to go along with these boasts, to think nice simple little thoughts and take things at face value. But it seems clear now that all "our" troops are doing is raping and murdering other countries to pave the way for a tyrannical, satanic, US-dominated "new world order".

Far from protecting anybody or preserving any rights, they are simply running berserk in the service of the Devil herself, presently incarnated as the United States government. They bring no actual benefit -- much less "democracy" -- to the foreigners, and as for their effect on their home country, their conduct only serves to make ameriKans more vain and jingoistic, more depraved and conceited as it is bankrupting our national economy.

The naïveté of the soldiers themselves, their parents, their former schoolteachers et al is pitiful.... and disastrous. America is sick unto death, it's impossible to deny that. How can the answer possibly be killing more foreigners in their homelands, and maiming more young ameriKans for life? Military fervor is in fact one of the biggest objects standing in the way of national sanity. If good intentions had any actual value, ameriKa would be America once again, free, prosperous, stable and Christian. At this point in history, "good" intentions of this type are a perfect way to bankrupt the land they are supposedly defending, and to make permanent, passionate enemies of the rest of the world.

For the first time that I can remember, a young man fresh from the Marine Corps asserts "I am the man who keeps you free" in this sense, but doesn't stop at rightly flinging this claim in the face of evil congresscritter Dianne Feinstein. He declares he has (in effect) no intention of heeding un-Constitutional gun "laws". That would be excellent enough, but when the thing goes public he willingly (not eagerly, thank God) goes on multiple TV news and talk shows amplifying his statement and defending his stance straight from the Constitution:
Former Marine Responds To Sen. Feinstein's Gun Proposal

From Mr. Boston's refreshingly sombre mien, I'm guessing he is among the tragic few who have come to realize that their military involvement was not what it appeared to be at all -- that he and his buddies have been chewed up and spat out by the regime purporting to make them heroes. It's an awesome, heartbreaking sight, a young person thus mugged by reality and cursed perhaps by the knowledge he or she has killed innocent people for nothing. It's what drove The Great One to perform his life's mission with such absolute, granite-willed dedication.

A veteran speaking truth to power in perfect dialectics without blinking or wavering in the slightest, now there's somebody "fighting for our Constitutional rights and American values" where it really matters -- right here at home. (Of course, he's from a Southern state, I could have told you that if they'd snipped that part out.) Anybody further tries to tell you that's what they're doing on the other side of the world, send 'em to me.


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