Friday, June 1, 2012

It's out in the open: we the public are public enemy #1

I've spent years trying to convince My Fellow Americans that the politicians they worship and bow down to actually hate and despise us. Never mind that we're their constituents -- to them we're subjects on a good day, and germs on ants the other 99% of the time. Every war they ostensibly throw against foreigners is a desperate grab for more power over us; every plan and agency they come up with is aimed at taking our stuff away from us and killing us, regardless of the hifalutin' and altruistic name they slap on it. "Department of Homeland Security"? MY FOOT. It's the department of citizen liquidation, that's all it is. The name is the biggest lies since "Department of Defense", and that's saying something. Don't, please DON'T miss this article or it's accompanying illustration of the magazine cover in question. /\/.\/\/. National Guard Magazine Cover Story Specifies Americans as Greatest Terror Threat The latest edition of The Guard Experience, the National Guard’s official magazine, features a cover story titled, “The Threat at Home.” While the title itself is quite shocking, the ideas presented are definitely meant to desensitize guard member readers to the idea of pursuing and capturing Americans on American soil, thus finalizing the end of posse comitatus. In the article, author Susan Katz Keating stakes the claim that the American people, and their military, can never let their guard(s) down due to advancing internal terrorist threats that constantly plague us. Right from the git-go we know exactly what type of propaganda we’re in for.........

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