Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ringing, stinging new denunciation of the income tax!

Have you noticed something? People and media are reluctant to ever accuse politicians of either sins or crimes. They are in my studied opinion among the most mind-numbing criminals in history. This is actually a pretty well-known fact, but you almost never hear the above forces (and CERTAINLY not pulpiteers) ever indicate so -- they will only mention the pols' "mistakes" and "failings".

This they do with jarring inconsistency. Maybe Hitler perpetrated "genocide" but Stalin, who killed vastly more people than the Nazis, is only rated as making errors in judgment -- the failure of his idealistic five-year plans in agriculture etc. Never mind that said plans were bone-headed from the start, denounced as such by the conservatives most people don't listen to, and led to yet more suffering and death instead of plenteousness.

But comes now one of those rare commentators who dares to call things exactly what they are. When he starts off by calling the income tax an abomination you know you're in for some fresh air:
24 Outrageous Facts About Taxes In The United States That Will Blow Your Mind

This article makes a point that others have, but in a way only Dr. Clarkson used to with the proper aplomb: as he put it, "it is impossible to fill out a 1040 form correctly!" The author at hand racks up statistics to prove it.

With the reading of this article I must say I have never seen so many great angles on this story in one place before, especially not in such a short space. Wish I had time to take the grand tour of this masterpiece of reportage, but here's one sidelight I had no idea of which condemns the income tax in no uncertain terms:
Death, Taxes Collide as Fatal Crashes Mount on Filing Day

We knew the income tax was murderous -- people kill themselves when they realize they don't have the money -- but this should prove loud and clear to any half-sane society that the monster has to go, that it's in a class of things that tend toward the depletion of the population itself!

Alas.... this not even being a half-sane society, it won't.

The good news is that the evils of income taxes can be reported freely, and it happens once in awhile. The bad news is that the ameriKan sheeple dash about what they imagine to be their business without paying these revelations the slightest bit of meaningful attention. Meanwhile, keep your friends informed that the Patriot Network is here to help them when bureaucracies call them out.


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