Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A national and a local story

Sometimes it seems that every week the ranks of Ron Paul supporters are joined by some kind of notable person nobody would have predicted. Did you hear about this case?
PayPal founder Peter Thiel donates $1.7M to Ron Paul PAC

Can it get any more "controversial" than that? A PAYPAL FOUNDER? The head of Facebook sure isn't going to declare for the only candidate worth mentioning!

............You've heard of numerous citizens fighting traffic tickets on principle using numerous different laws and arguments. But a church?
Church Protests Seat Belt, Child Seat Tickets
Pastor says "working class" targeted as a way to generate revenue.

Their focus and reasoning may sound a bit quaint, but this is really a burst of fresh air. Society subconsciously (?) allows greater freedom to minorities, so predictably there's no talk here of yanking this congregation's tax-exempt status in this kindly, sensitive article.


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