Monday, December 19, 2011

Surprise, surprise: "Tax Increases Kill Jobs"

The great thing about The Great One was that he would make statements about law and government that seemed too good to be true, but always proved out. One was that excessive taxes are not merely a drag but fatal to any society. Case in point:

I can go this author one better: tax increases actually kill people! Young families today, often having no grounding in reality or history (much less the divine law code) will find they "can't afford to have another child" and abort it instead of looking for some saner, healthier solution. I learned this personally via American Family Association demonstrators in my early activist period in Zoo Jersey. Seems to me that the annual cost of raising a child (or two) would be about equivalent to what these luckless, clueless couples pay the IRS.

The above article rightly goes into the matter of taxes as part of the price on every gallon of gas you buy. Wouldn't it be nice if they could be stripped off, and at least that one case of chiseling by the System nullified? I don't know what you'd do instead to fund the DOT, but it's dead sure that those taxes would be a lot lower if government spending were cut down to a sane, Constitutional level. In fact, there's no telling how cheap life could be in that instance. As it is, even in the midst of the greatest fiscal ruin seen in this country since the 1930s, the politicians do absolutely nothing to cut spending; they look for ever more ways to inflate budgets!

If they do talk budget cuts, in reference to something like Social Security or Medicare for sheer scare value. There are thousands or millions of purely stupid, inane, and corrupt budget items that could easily be sacrificed, but no, politicians safeguard all that by only yammering about SS etc. -- another case of false dichotomy, i.e. making things look like there are only two possible courses of action in a situation. Liars -- shysters -- con artists!

Here's another such construct, one everybody's at least dimly aware of:

Ron Paul Explains: Isolationism vs Non-Interventionism

NEUTRALITY is the true gold standard in international affairs. It's exactly parallel to any individual life: you try to get along with everybody, you don't start fights, you certainly don't run around beating and killing your neighbors screaming that they're planning to attack you. That is exactly what ameriKa has been doing since Bush-41 got elected Pezident and almost immediately began screeching that ameriKan youth needed to start dying to solve problems between Iraq and Kuwait. An individual acting like this would soon be in jail; as a nation we are accordingly in hell.

Switzerland is the prime case of neutrality -- that country has gotten through how many wars by simply refusing to take sides, a policy that's worked like a charm. Sweden is another great instance. Wikipedia:

The last war in which Sweden was directly involved was in 1814, when Sweden by military means forced Norway into a personal union. Since then, Sweden has been at peace, adopting a non-aligned foreign policy in peacetime and neutrality in wartime.[13]

Since neutrality is such a golden, salubrious concept, it's no surprise that it's never mentioned in ameriKa anymore. Have you noticed? The only two choices you ever hear about, e.g. in the presidential contests that take up half our lives now, is endlessly bludgeoning countries where Al-Qaeda is suspected of hiding, or "ISOLATIONISM". If you don't want perpetual war, you're an "ISOLATIONST," woo woo. Surely it's come to your attention that the second anybody (such as Ron Paul) calls for an end to ameriKa's clinically insane WARMONGERING, the cry of "ISOLATIONIST!" goes up, heading off NEUTRALITY at the pass, leaving it in the shadows.

Nobody wants to live in isolation. Isolation is something imposed on mental cases, prisoners or naughty children. And it would indeed be folly to expect ameriKa or any country to cut itself off from the rest of the world, the obviously implied meaning of the "isolationist" smear. So it's clearly a lie, a red herring thrown into the discussion to keep it from arriving where it really needs to go. Yet I've never heard "isolationist" defined -- you know, sort of like "racist." That could be very embarrassing for the ones hurling such imprecations.

Why, you may ask, would anybody want to sabotage public discussion of life-and-death issues that way? It should be obvious that that is the express business of certain factions in our society, but I'm not allowed to name them here.

The real solution, neutrality, is staring everybody in the face, but note how even Dr. Paul forgets to throw in that N-word! Solutions are far more benign, simple and basic than the present controllers of dialectics want anybody to realize. Certainly news-reading stars are prominent among them. Why they're the ones seen grilling candidates in so-called debates is a great mystery -- like Obummer, their only talent is reading words off a teleprompter. With extremely rare exceptions, there are no brains, character or common sense there. If they had any they'd be working real jobs.

It's urgently needed that some of you post comments on pages from etc. Half of them are so stupid you wonder if their posters know how to tie there shoes. Thank God, most that I sampled at the above link are pro-Paul.

Now this is interesting --

Venezuelan singer/actress Maria Alonso confronts Sean Penn on Communism

The lady has a lot to learn (she equates Chavez and Ahmadinejad!?!?!?!) but it's a rare case of somebody doing what everybody should -- exposing evildoers in public.

...............Via Brasscheck, here's another stunning glimpse of the monopolistic System that is working every day to consolidate control of everything into few hands that will bring Change to the world in the form globalist dictatorship:

The biggest company you've never heard of...

I had never heard of this outfit -- had you?

It would be fun to blame everything on the System for its known treachery.....

Keystone XL oil pipelineand the tyranny of Big Oil

......but surely we and our thirst for ever more gasoline and plastic consumer products are to blame for the never-ending oil crisis?

This headline is rich with ironies:

Sopa Victory for Tech Community as US House Committee Adjourns

#1, it is entertainment deities who have schooled generations of youth in moral relativity and meism. How can they complain about the results? #2, the stiffing of those industries with the above-linked turn of events happens to inadvertently bring a great sense of relief to freedom lovers everywhere: internet freedom is safe for at least another short period. #3, entertainment stars are all communists. They no more give a hoot about net freedom than they do about the unwed pregnancies their musical and theatrical teachings engender..... and it's anybody's guess how they'd appreciate losing their net freedom along with ours if such a treacherously mislabeled bill ever goes through.

Odd that this plot is spelled like a proper name, Sopa, instead of an acronym, SOPA. That's how they do it in Italy.

.............Further proof that war does nobody any good, and is the open doorway for domestic tyranny:

World War II and the Beginning of ObamaCare

I maintain that much or most of the time when you hear WW2 mentioned it's in relation to some horrible change in ameriKan life: women joining the military, women getting jobs in much larger numbers, the birth of the income tax, the increase of federal power and rapacity in its aftermath, the monstrous fraud and injustice of Nuremburg. You can't spell "federal" without the letters "F-D-R", huh!

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